30% of all sales are donated to a girl scout troop in dallas, tx

girl scouts

one girl can make a difference, together we can change the world

Troop #4168

I was a girl scout for 12 years, so naturally I have always dreamt of becoming a leader. Being a scout allowed me to explore different interests and blossomed my love for volunteering and giving back to the community. As a leader, my goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where girls can feel secure and empowered to be themselves. It brings me immense joy to guide and support them on their journey, witnessing their growth, and seeing them freely pursue their dreams and aspirations. Being a leader means taking on the responsibility of fostering a positive and inclusive community, where all girls feel welcomed and valued. I am proud to have had the opportunity to be a girl scout and now, as a leader, I am dedicated to continuing to cheer on and uplift young girls, helping them to continue loving themselves, others, and the environment.